
(…) Niet divu, že jedno chlapča ešte počas predstavenia neodolá a musí si to celé ísť pozrieť zblízka. Divočiny podľa Maurica Sendaka priťahujú predovšetkým oko, hoci scéna – drevená bedňa s možnosťou vyklápania jednotlivých plôch – je predovšetkým funkčným prvkom, vďaka ktorému sa dá za pár sekúnd zväčšiť či zmenšiť, obrátiť a inak obmeniť dejisko pre dobrodružstvá malého Maxa. Najväčšou vizuálnou lahôdkou sú však bábky – zvieratá vyrobené z konárov a kusov neopracovaného dreva v kombinácii so súčiastkami starých bicyklov (napr. pedále ako vtáčie nohy). S týmito až steampunkovými obludkami narábajú dvaja herci – Maja Danadová a Filip Hajduk, ktorí však ani náhodou nie sú len „vodičmi“, naopak, diváckym zážitkom je aj sledovať mimický a výrazový koncert tejto dvojice, ich dotváranie deja vlastnými reakciami, vydávaním zvukov či žonglérskymi trikmi. A predstaveniu – rovnako ako pri predošlej produkcii Odiva – nechýba ani skvelá živá hudba, ktorá ani tentokrát nie je iba kulisou, ale priamo dáva impulz pre dianie na javisku a reaguje naň, vytvára konkrétnu atmosféru a funguje ako herecký partner. Práve vďaka hudbe ani rušivé zvuky z okolia (predstavenie sa hralo vonku, pod nadjazdom, na ktorom fungovala bežná premávka) neboli natoľko rušivé.
Divočiny: Martina Mašlárová, (videné na festivale Kiosk 2016). Celý článok nájdete TU.

“… emotions, desires, phantoms might be mentioned in case of “Love P and Passion B” based on “The Love of Don Perlimplin and Belisa in the Garden” by F. G. Lorca.
With tremendous temperament, energy and poetics, Mária Danadová, young actress of Odivo theatre (Banská Bystrica) tells story of shy Perlimplin, unexperienced in the matters of love, his passionate wife Belisa and loving Marcolfa, devoted to her master. Nothing is how it seems to be, only one thing is sure. The actress built destiny of three main characters brilliantly: she incarnated the dramatis personae, commented the collisions, animated the original puppets made from wood and textile and vivified the objects. By doing all these, she turned small theatre room into Perlimplin’s garden overflowed by passion. (…) Rythms and tempers change, just as images filled with emotions proved unquestionable quality of the performance.”

Love P and Passion B: Katarzyna Grajewska, Teatr lalek, Poland

,,On stage we see the actress and the musician (sitting in the background, underlining the staccatos of the erotic and Dadaist songs of Mária with his guitar sequences), a man and a woman, and three puppets on a rustic wooden wagon. Mária, who is moving all the puppets, plays a complicated role in the play, because she is the „umbrella person” beyond the puppets: her voice is the voice of their souls; she is the observer, the singer, and the burlesque lady in one person. (…) 
The duendes were coming. The microphone turned into a big black phallus. Songs turned into true prayer. The many shoes symbolized the paramours, whose faces and bodies were unseen. Orgasms and voodoo practices bolted. Little feathers flied. Love was the theme, and an erotic prayer
was the only possible answer for the questions. 
It was a tale about doing things in danger, because loving something or somebody is dangerous. Because our real motifs, feelings and thoughts are often a mystery even for ourselves. We are dancers in the dark. And when the play was over, and Mária was laying in front of us, in silence, on the puppets’ little bed, we understood: this play was about her. And about the art of understanding our real, true feelings. Just like Don Perlimplín did.”
Love P and Passion B: Laura Marx – KÖM by L1 Association. Whole article is HERE.

Interview with Monika Kováčová about performance Love P and Passion B you will find HERE.

Actress Mária Danadová sees the destiny of the puppets, she is animating with distance and irony, and with humor also the music in the performance is built – the musician follows the actions and the very atmosphere of some scenes with various sounds live on the stage, thanks to this the actions are given new, comical meaning (e.g. Belisa being chased by servant Marcolfa). Musicality or rather rhythmicity is significant feature of the performance, from dynamic beginning with the actress introducing the story characters in lively tempo, to slow ending with the passion having been gone away in the tones dying away in quiet, as well. 
The creative team of the performance stressed the fact that everyone perceives his/her own subjective reality by collision of dream world with often very different reality, and confrontation between various views on the same incident.
The artists use the love story as background for depicting the negative consequences that might happen, when one lives in his/her “very own world” and loses the contact with the closest ones.
Love P and Passion B: Barbora Forkovičová,

Great performance, I consider it the best performance, which I could see on festival Bábková Žilina (Puppet Žilina, Slovakia). Perfect balance of all components, excellent actress performance, sensitively and carefully worked-out every detail. The theatre of the thirth millennium. Great experience for very long. Simply great love and passion.
Love P and Passion B: Eva Čárska, Slovakia (seen on festival Bábková Žilina 2015)

The performance brings untraditional compositional comprehension of the classic title, it denies conventional percepcion of puppet theatre and its protogenetic descriptive ability, which this performance moves to another level – to the relationship between performer and puppet, to partner harmony between live actress and non-living material, to building of self-dependent theatre reality, which borrows from everydayness, poetic stylization, popculture gestic shortcut and rhetoric.
Love P and Passion B: Eva Kyselová (Hot hot puppet!, Loutkář 3/2015)

Performance Love P and Passion B from ensemble Odivo was based on the play by Federico Garcia Lorca, which is amazing pithy chord of passion, poetry and music. And the performance, which is performed by one spirited actress with three puppets and one musician, is exactly like that play.
Love P and Passion B: Jana Pithartová

Lyricky, vtipne a pikantne: to je spôsob, akým divadlo Odivo predstaví milostný trojuholník v predstavení Láska P a vášeň B. Dokonale skomponované a bezchybne zahrané predstavenie, je popis zručnosti jednej herečky – Márie Danadovej a jedného hudobníka – Mateja Šteska. (…)
Láska P  vášeň B je pútavé predstavenie pokiaľ ide o tajomstvo a viacúrovňové rozprávanie, predstavuje udalosť z mužského a ženského uhla pohľadu s originálnym výberom výrazových prostriedkov. Hra estetickou efektivitou garantuje divákovi inteligentnú zábavu založenú na pikantnom, ale nie vulgárnom humore. Tvorcovia preukázali, že o záležitostiach lásky a sexu sa dá krásne hovoriť v bábkovom divadle, servírujúc pritom publiku niekoľko desiatok minút skutočného pôžitku.
Láska P a vášeň B: Karolina Augustyniak, text písaný do “Dziennika Teatralnego”: Celý článok nájdete TU.

Největší část představní odehraje herečka Mária Danadová se třemi krásnými dřevěnými loutkami, které vytvořil Mikoláš Zika. Samorostlý Dom Perlimplin, štíhlá Belisa a bachratá Marcolfa mají velmi svébytnou podobou, která přesně vystihuje jejich charaktery. Mária Danadová je animuje s technickou bravurou a vtipem, a je až neuvěřitelné, jak přesně je sladěná s Martinem Žiakem, který ji na elektrickou kytaru živě doprovází. Díky tomu působí jejich souhra dojmem přesné ,,choreografie” a zároveň hravosti. (…) Nejvýraznější vklad ale do inscenace přináší charismatická herečka Mária Danadová. Kromě perfektní animace loutek používá také mnoho pohybových a tanečných prvků a ty zvládla technicky výborně. Nejdůležitější však je, že příběh Dona Perlimplina a Beliny pro ni není žádnou starou, neaktuální báchorkou, nýbrž osobní výpovědí o vlastní vášni, lásce, sexualitě. Je to výpověď vášnivá, odvážná, ale nikoli vulgární. Díky tomu tragédie Dona Perlimplína nemůže nechat chladnými ani nás, diváky.
Láska P a vášeň B: Kryštof Bartoš, Skupa’s Daily, 12. června 2016. Celý článok nájdete TU.

The two tiny female Monika Kováčová (directress) and Maja Danadová (actress) created fragile theatre miracle of love, passion, death and paradoxes of life. Authentic acting, beautiful and functional set design, great music. Theatre of the senses and of the reason.
Love P a Passion B: Veronika Gabčíková, festival Vlnoplocha